Location : Osho Mediation Resort: Pune India
Date: March 28 - 31 2024
An in-person course at the OSHO International Meditation Resort
“What is the purpose of knowing the whole world if you don't know yourself?” Osho
Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? The answer to these questions can only be experienced, never verbalized.
An opportunity for you to move beyond the mind, into the silence of no-mind where all questions simply dissolve into the existential experience of knowing.
The structure of the course is based on traditional Zen techniques, designed to penetrate beyond our habitual masks and pretensions and to focus our total energy on the search for who we really are.
When you are repeatedly asked the modern koan: “Who is in?” and answer moment to moment, an awareness of the way you identify with the personality starts to develop. Once this is experienced and understood, you shift toward your being, to the centre of witnessing. You feel a profound relaxation and the joy of being present in the moment.
The Awareness Intensive: Who Is In? gives you all possible support to undertake the journey inward. And by surrendering to the structure provided you will give yourself every chance to experience deep and lasting transformation.
The course, which is residential, starts after the Evening Meeting of the first day.
“Without knowing yourself, all knowledge is futile; and if you know yourself, you need not know anything that is unnecessary. Knowing oneself, one comes to know the very innermost core of existence, the very center. Experiencing that center is so blissful, so ecstatic that there is no need. You are no longer a beggar; suddenly you have become an emperor.” Osho